Monday, October 22, 2012

hanging out with America

With only a few weeks left of east coast living, this past weekend we drove to D.C. and spent the weekend visiting the sites and Marshall's aunt!

I hadn't been to D.C. since I was 13 so it was pretty much all new to me!
But I love being a tourist so I was a happy girl!

After walking and walking we finally were smart and hopped on bikes for the rest of the day!
Best idea ever!
My feet were also very happy.

Thanks Aunt Lisa for letting us crash with you!

But what really was such a great part of our trip I will share with you tomorrow!



Sami said...

I haven't been to DC since my trip with school in the 5th grade! I feel like I need to go back and appreciate everything more haha. Those bikes are so smart! Looks like you guys had a great time :)

Hannah Lesley said...

I'm going there Sunday! To see my HUSBAND!


(and we will do it...lots...the end:)